Aug 7, 2009

The Satvik High - II

Well Well.......... still that mesmerizing breath taking scene of the scenic water falls is imprinted in my memory. The chilling water of the falls, Satsang in the rain and the meditation on a hill top, were simply amazing !!!! Here are some of the pictures !!!

(This post is called Satvik high for more than one reason)

Here's What Satvik (our volunteer) has to share about the picnic .
" The Picnic was awesome. It was a heavenly experience .The Aol way of picnic was different,it did not drain me or exhaust me like other parties and i came back feeling as fresh and high as i did in the morning when we started "

(Edited by VJ)


Rishabh said...

The meditation on hill top was so deep, it was like an Adv course experience in itself. Later the nature bestowed upon us, its call and I & Kuldeep had to find a place to answer that ;)

mihir said...

for this one event i wud love to go back in time !! pause and have all the fun again !!!!

and for those who din make it to the 3rd level !! :P again !!!!!

srishti said...

nostalgic :))))

srishti said...

nostalgic :)))


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